• Bless Maharashtra
    Bless Maharashtra
  • Holyspirit Revival
    Holyspirit Revival
  • Ministering in Canada
    Ministering Canada
  • Youth Awakening
    Youth Awakening
  • Hope In Jesus NIRC
    Hope In Jesus NIRC



Take Me To Church

Hope In Jesus is committed to preach the Gospel of Jesus which is the Power of God unto salvation. Rom 10:15 says; and how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace who bring glad tidings of good things”. We believe that Bible is the Word of God and is true (Psalms18:30) and active and never changes.

So we stand on the Word and teach the Word of God. Hope In Jesus comprises of a beautiful fellowship family where people truly care and pray for one another and it strives to mould every believer in their growth in Christ as a matured believer and a disciple of Lord Jesus Christ. The church exhorts and encourages the believers to have a burden and passion for evangelism and preach to the unreached.



Daily Bread

We are here to pray for you